Monday, 15 December 2014

Omega 3's

Today I intend to end the four part discussion on how to reduce inflammation to promote better health and prevent disease.  In terms of diet, this process can be summed up by the simple matter of choosing greens over grains.  As was discussed a couple weeks ago, grains and animals that are fed on grains contain the omega 6 fatty acids that promote inflammation in the body while greens (vegetables and many fruits) contain the omega 3 fatty acids that decrease inflammation in the body to promote health.

Animals raised entirely on greens or grasses, known as free range or wild game, will provide these omega 3 fatty acids through the diet.  This is precisely why fish oil is considered to be so beneficial to so many different components of health and has been proven valuable in reducing the risk of everything from cholesterol and heart disease to Alzheimer’s and depression.  The medical research on the benefits of fish oil are abundant and still growing.  Many believe that every Canadian should be taking a supplement of fish oil daily.  But I want you to know that if you are eating the proper amount of greens and are choosing meat that is organic/free range, you do not have to worry about supplementing omega 3’s as much.

I hope you have found this segment on inflammation helpful as I believe it to be one of the biggest determinants of health over disease.  

Thursday, 4 December 2014


Over the last two weeks we have discussed the dangers of inflammation in the body and the research that all disease begins with some level of inflammation.  We have discussed how oils (corn/vegetable) and all grains (even the healthier ones) contribute to this inflammatory process.  Today I’d like to talk about what you can and should be doing to reverse this process and “deflame.”

Turns out, Mom was right again – you need to eat your fruits and vegetables.  These are nature’s anti-inflammatories and eating them regularly will decrease your risk of nearly every disease.  To get the real value of these foods you should eat most fruits and vegetables raw or lightly steamed.  Cooking at high temperatures breaks down the enzymes and fiber that you are trying to get.  How much should you eat?  This recommendation has changed and they are now saying that you should have 5-13 servings every day!  If you are eating organically, you can likely get away with just five servings, but if you are eating traditional non-organic sources, you should eat more because the organic sources are much richer with the desired vitamins and minerals that promote health.

Before you panic at this amount, an apple is considered to be two servings.  This means that if you commit to having a raw, organic source of fruit or vegetable with every meal of every day you will be covered and on the pathway to better health.